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SEPTEMBER 1999 Volume 3.3
T here's a need for some serious upgrading on the Internet; power users are demanding higher speeds, wider bandwidth and greater reliability. The Internet2 and Next Generation Internet programs are designed to produce a new, high-performance network -- and function as an incubator for technologies that may eventually find their way to the public Net.
The Next Internet

H ow can businesses devise strategies to protect and expand their presence in the marketplace? The best answer is usually Competitive Intelligence, or CI, the collection of data about competitors' activities in a particular area. Internet-based news clipping services can help satisfy the CI requirements of a wide range of corporate users.
Internet News Clipping Services: How Companies Keep on Top of Their Markets

T he Extensible Markup Language offers a powerful way to describe the meaning of the data in a document instead of just its structure. XML also promises a host of possible implementations for companies large and small, from an alliance with EDI to a new way to handle micropayments.
XML Gets Down to Business

T he latest trend in outsourcing is the concept of "rent-an-app" -- network-based versions of robust enterprise applications that smaller businesses can rent without the costs and headaches of outright purchase and labor-intensive maintenance.
Apps on Tap: Outsourcing Hits The Web

I f your company plans to do serious research or marketing on the Internet, a dedicated Web search specialist can help clean up and codify corporate Web search techniques.
Time to Consider a Web Search Specialist

S mart agents are a dumb idea. They may have a high "cool" factor, but they aren't nearly as effective as a robust server in the prompt delivery of valuable information. BFW's are simply the best way of matching supply with demand in real time.
Agents vs. Big Fat Webservers

The Association for Computing Machinery

The netWorker Web site is undergoing major improvements.
Keep checking back for the latest developments and features.